person using calculator

Deposit Rates

CD Specials
Account Type Opening Balance Requirement Interest Rate* APY**
7 Month Jumbo CD $100,000 4.20% 4.28%

**Annual Percentage Yield. The minimum to open and obtain the APY is $100,000. Rates are fixed, compounded monthly. Withdrawal of interest will reduce earnings. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal. Upon maturity, CD will renew for a six month term at the rate offered on a six month CD at the time of renewal. Refer to Truth-in Savings disclosure for complete details. Interest rates and APY's are effective 2/14/25. Available for personal and business accounts.


Personal Accounts
Account Type Minimum Balance to Pay Interest Interest Rate* APY**
iChecking All Balances up to $10,000
with Tiered Rates
2.00% 2.02%
iChecking All Balances up to $10,000
with Tiered Rates
1.49% 1.50%
iChecking All Balances up to $10,000
with Tiered Rates
0.05% 0.05%
Platinum Checking $1,000 0.05% 0.05%
Savings $100 0.05% 0.05%
Young Savers $25
0.05% 0.05%
American Select Savings $100 1.74% 1.75%
Pinnacle Money Market Account Base Tier $.0.01 $0.01 - $9,999.99: 0.10% $0.01 - $9,999.99: 0.10%
Pinnacle Money Market Account Tier 1 $10,000 $10,000.00 - $99,999.99: 0.50% $10,000.00 - $99,999.99: 0.50%
Pinnacle Money Market Account Tier 2 $100,000 $100,000.00 - $249,999.99: 1.24% $100,000.00 - $249,999.99: 1.25%
Pinnacle Money Market Account Tier 3 $250,000
$250,000.00 - $499,999.99: 3.93%
$250,000.00 - $499,999.99: 4.00%
Pinnacle Money Market Account Tier 4 $500,000 $500,000.00 and above: 3.93% $500,000.00 and above: 4.00%

*Interest Rates are effective as of 2/14/2025 and are subject to change without prior notice. For current interest rates call 866-579-7959.
**APY = Annual Percentage Yield

iChecking Interest Reward Requirements:
Direct Deposit required to earn Interest Rewards for this account
E-Statements required to earn Interest Rewards for this account
Tier 1 - 20 posted debit transactions required per statement cycle
Tier 2 - 7 posted debit transactions required per statement cycle
Tier 3 - less than 7 posted debit transactions and/or Direct Deposit or E-Statement if requirements not met
Interest is earned on daily balance. Each day your account maintains a minimum balance, you will earn interest as provided in account disclosures for each statement cycle
American Select Savings
Quarterly Service Charge: $5.00 if daily balance falls below the minimum balance any day of the statement cycle
Interest: Interest is earned on daily balance. Each day your account maintains a minimum balance, you will earn interest as provided in your account disclosure for each statement cycle
Withdrawals: An excess debit fee of $1.50 will be charged for each posted withdrawal or transfer, in excess of six (6) per statement cycle.
Quarterly Statements: eStatements are required. There will be a $5.00 service charge applied to the quarterly statement if you elect to receive a paper statement.
◊◊◊Pinnacle Money Market Account 
Monthly Service Charge: $10.00 if daily balance falls below the minimum balance any day of the statement cycle
Interest: Interest is earned on daily balance. Each day your account maintains a minimum balance, you will earn interest as provided in your account disclosure for each statement cycle
Withdrawals: An excess debit fee of $10.00 will be charged for each posted withdrawal or transfer, in excess of six (6) per statement cycle.

Business Accounts

Account Type Minimum Balance to
Pay Interest
Interest Rate* APY**
Business NOW◊◊ All Balances 0.05% 0.05%
Pinnacle Money Market Account Base Tier $.01 $0.01 - $9,999.99: 0.10% $0.01 - $9,999.99: 0.10%
Pinnacle Money Market Account Tier 1 $10,000 $10,000.00 - $99,999.99: 0.50% $10,000.00 - $99,999.99: 0.50%
Pinnacle Money Market Account Tier 2 $100,000 $100,000.00 - $249,999.99: 1.24% $100,000.00 - $249,999.99: 1.25%
Pinnacle Money Market Account Tier 3 $250,000
$250,000.00 - $499,999.99: 3.93%
$250,000.00 - $499,999.99: 4.00%
Pinnacle Money Market  Account Tier 4 $500,000 $500,000.00 and above: 3.93% $500,000.00 and above: 4.00%

*Interest Rates are effective as of  2/14/2025  and are subject to change without prior notice. For current interest rates call 866-579-7959.
**APY = Annual Percentage Yield
◊◊◊Pinnacle Money Market Account 
Monthly Service Charge: $10.00 if daily balance falls below the minimum balance any day of the statement cycle
Interest: Interest is earned on daily balance. Each day your account maintains a minimum balance, you will earn interest as provided in your account disclosure for each statement cycle
Withdrawals: An excess debit fee of $10.00 will be charged for each posted withdrawal or transfer, in excess of six (6) per statement cycle.

◊◊◊◊non-profit organizations, sole proprietors and government entities only
Interest is earned on daily balance. Each day your account maintains a minimum balance, you will earn interest as provided in account disclosures for each statement cycle

CDs/IRAs ($1,000 - $99,999)

Term Opening Balance Requirement Interest Rate*  APY** 
3 Month $1,000 2.96% 3.00%
6 Month $1,000 2.47% 2.50%
12 Month $1,000 2.96% 3.00%
18 Month $1,000 2.81% 2.85%
24 Month $1,000 2.75% 2.78%
36 Month $1,000 2.35% 2.37%
48 Month $1,000 1.90% 1.92%
60 Month $1,000 2.01% 2.03%
**Annual Percentage Yield. The minimum to open and obtain the APY is $1,000. Rates are fixed, compounded monthly. Withdrawal of interest will reduce earnings. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal.  Refer to Truth-in Savings disclosure for complete details. Interest rates and APY's are effective 2/14/2025. Available for personal and business accounts.

CDs/IRAs - Jumbo ($100,000 & Above)

Term Opening Balance Requirement Interest Rate*  APY** 
3 Month Jumbo $100,000 3.49% 3.55%
6 Month Jumbo $100,000 3.75% 3.81%
12 Month Jumbo $100,000 3.65% 3.71%
18 Month Jumbo $100,000 3.14% 3.18%
24 Month Jumbo $100,000 2.98% 3.02%
36 Month Jumbo $100,000 2.51% 2.54%
48 Month Jumbo $100,000 2.00% 2.02%
60 Month $100,000 3.14% 3.19%
*Annual Percentage Yield. The minimum to open and obtain the APY is $100,000. Rates are fixed, compounded monthly. Withdrawal of interest will reduce earnings. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal. Upon maturity, CD will renew for a six month term at the rate offered on a six month CD at the time of renewal. Refer to Truth-in Savings disclosure for complete details. Interest rates and APY's are effective 2/14/25. Available for personal and business accounts.

*Interest Rates are effective as of 2/14/2025 and are subject to change without prior notice. For current interest rates call 866-579-7959.
**APY = Annual Percentage Yield
Interest is earned on daily balance. Each day your account maintains a minimum balance, you will earn interest as provided in account disclosures for each statement cycle.